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Το Κέντρο μας σας περιμένει για τις εγγραφές του νέου σχολικού έτους από Παρασκευή 17 Μαΐου! Για οποιαδήποτε πληροφορία μπορείτε να απευθύνεστε στο [email protected] ή στο 2102812808.

Name: Fotopoulou Kyrini

Supervisor’s name: Gill Parkinson


Title of Project:
Incidence, Provision and Practice of Inclusive Education in Greece

Aim of Project:
To investigate to what extent people with PMLD are in fact included in mainstream schools of Primary and Secondary Education in Greece.


On 14th March 2000 the new legislation on Education and people with Profound Learning Disabilities and Multi-Sensory Impairments was published. This publication was expected to sign a new era and committed to including all these people who were excluded from schools and society and were segregated in special schools or at home. Government actually claimed that these people were equal citizens and should enjoy equal opportunities in education. Unfortunately, acts speak better than words, even when they are written: Access is limited and when there is access to the mainstream educational setting, provision is so poor that it is anecdotal to talk about real inclusion of these people at schools. Moreover, educators are not trained on how to include them in class, other specialists are not available and all people relative to the situation talk about the “myth” of inclusion and wonder how it could be succeeded in reality.

Methods of investigation:
My study will be based entirely on literature review of books, journals, research projects and so on. Therefore, ethical approval will not be needed. However, this literature review will be based on carefully selected and sound sources which represent learning disability and related issues in a positive way.